What's New
Look out your window right now and you just might see somebody running down the sidewalk. Look a little closer and you might notice that person isn't wearing any shoes. I know what your thinking. This man is in trouble! Who is he running from!? Well that's where you are wrong. Let me explain. The latest craze in running shoes is, well, no shoes. That's right. People have made the conscience decision to kick off the old running shoes and jog down the street.
You might be asking yourself why someone would want to do this. Well fads don't always have to make sense, and if you don't believe me just google men's high heels. However, in this case some arguments are being made. First, there is the argument that shoes weren't always around and we did just fine. Second, they say it is healthier than shoes. These are pretty much the best stances barefoot runners have. There is also the going green craze that is sweeping the nation and this "all natural" approach to running pretty much fits right in.
As you might have guessed I am a little bit skeptical. When I run I like to lace em up. I understand that since shoes came along our running style has adapted. We now place our impact on the heal where our body is less equipped to handle the shock. I guess I am just a believer in progress and technology. I believe that shoes are a good thing and should be embraced. Well maybe I'm not that passionate. I just think that common sense is being ignored in this latest trend.
Some might be thinking that I am being a little prejudice-that I am knocking it before I've tried it. Well your right...and I'm sorry. That is why I've decided to give the old running barefoot thing a try. And to all those barefoot fanatics out there, don't worry. I am not just going to kick off my shoes, run for an hour and type my next post in seething pain and anger. No, I'm gonna do this right. The recommended start is to walk barefoot for a while and then start slow. Maybe 30 minutes or so. I'll do this and get back to you.
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