To skip the long (but extremely well written *horn toot*) story and get straight to the solution, read this recent, more condensed post --
The Best Way to Get Rid of Sprickets (3 Steps)
Sprickets are given that nickname because they look as if a spider and a cricket decided to have a child. They also go by the names camel cricket, cave cricket and spider cricket. Before I tell you the absolute best way to get rid of these terrifying creatures (without touching them) let me tell you my horror story...
My wife and I recently moved into a small townhome. Spricket season was coming so we were mentally preparing ourselves for the occasional scare...
nothing could have prepared us for what was about to happen...
It seemed like there was an endless supply of these vile hoppers and I had no idea where they were all coming from. They seemed to come out mostly at night. One night--as we sat on the couch--one crawled out from under door of our laundry room. My weapon of choice (before I discovered the secret weapon for getting rid of sprickets) was a child's plastic golf club. I sneaked up on the evil spider cricket and swung.
But like every other night shortly after killing one--another would appear. The cave crickets were relentless! Where were they coming from!? And why were there so many!?
The Secret Lair of the Sprickets
One night I had an epiphany-- Behind the wall of the laundry room was a storage room we had yet to go into. The exhaust from the dryer led into that storage room (you see where this is heading?). I walked to the storage room and cracked the door slowly. Light flowed into the room as the door opened revealing a black wall. As more light filled the room I noticed the black wall began to move--revealing a white wall underneath.
Big shocker. There was no "black wall."
No sir. It was in actuality a wall of sprickets!!!! The entire wall was covered. And if you've ever surprised a spricket with bright light you know what happened next...
I started hearing popping noises. The disgusting camel crickets began jumping off the wall trying to escape the light! I slammed the door and ran screaming like a girl--flailing my arms about.
The next logical step was to go buy a case of bug bombs (which is
not the secret weapon. That comes later). I rolled two of them into the storage unit like I was a S.W.A.T. team getting ready to take down an armed bank robber. I placed a rolled up towel at the bottom of the door to prevent their escape.
...Then I waited...
No more than 6 minutes later a terrible thing happened-- sprickets began spewing out from underneath the laundry room door! How could I be so stupid? I forgot to block their entry into our home! Huge fail.
I let the bug killer flow taking careful aim at each spricket. When that wasn't enough I grabbed my trusty golf club. I spent hours killing, screaming, getting the willies and offering up prayers.
After a couple hours the flow of sprickets stopped. But I knew I didn't get rid of all of them. I knew they were hiding in my home in far greater numbers than before.
Over the course of the next couple of days we were inundated with sprickets. Every time we turned around one was there. Even when they weren't there, it always felt like one was on my leg or in my hair. My wife and I couldn't even sleep at night.
Finally, The Secret Weapon
Now pay attention, because I am about to reveal my secret weapon for getting rid of sprickets...
My wife and I stumbled on a forum where someone suggested using roach traps-- specifically the brand
Roach Motel
. We went out and bought them instantly-- and placed them in the laundry room, all corners of the house, behind toilets and a few other places--
--Saying they worked would be an understatement. I literally watched sprickets walk into the traps! Once I opened the laundry room door and startled a spricket (I am more afraid of them then they are of me). It jumped once-- landed and scurried right into the Roach Motel! Checked-in.
We noticed an instant decrease in sightings of camel crickets and within a week it was like we lived in a normal house again. Sure we saw one here and there--but it was nothing like before.
...Then something incredible happened-- after a couple more weeks I stopped seeing the sprickets completely! The roach traps were a miracle. I went from having a large army of these vile creatures to sleeping peacefully at night. Long story short, I retired my trusty golf club.
So if you have a spricket infestation (Probably not as bad as mine) then go pick up some roach motels. Or you can get a good deal on Amazon using the following link:
Roach Motel 61009 [Set of 12]
Your fellow Spricktophobe
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